Field Colony Art Classes

Field Colony Art Classes


Prices vary depending on the class

Days and times vary depending on the class

-Private classes are also available upon request

Located at:

1001 Bloomfield Street

Hoboken, NJ


Field Colony provides studio space, artist residencies, and classes within an art gallery to serve as the center for the arts for Hoboken’s creatives and entrepreneurs to work, learn, and inspire.  Our focus is to support our arts community by bring together people from different fields into one space to enable new collaborations and to serve as a destination welcome of new thoughts and ideas.

Reserve your spot in one of our six classes and receive instruction from one of our resident artists as you begin to learn the fundamentals of different artistic endeavors. Every week, Field Colony offers classes and workshops that focus on technique and creativity. Our current offerings include Suminagashi Japanese marbling, Figure Drawing, Acrylic painting, and 3D Modeling.

For more information, click here.

Field Colony Art Classes

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